Aug 13, 2022Liked by Michael Turner M.D.

Thank you!

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Michael Turner M.D.

Just had a friend diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. He is in the hospital in Oklahoma and it's not looking good. He is triple vaccinated. So glad I found you & others prior & followed my instincts.

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Thank you, Meegan. I am very sorry that your friend is going through this. Praying he responds well to treatment.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Michael Turner M.D.

Dr. Turner you are a great help in my collection of emergency tips and tools to have on hand. Those I know that need it the most will hopefully seek me out so I can pass it on to them if they need it. Until then I will keep my mouth shut and my brain working for those I love.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Michael Turner M.D.

Many thanks Dr. Sharing!

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Michael Turner M.D.

Great, thank you.

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On the podcast where early treatments mentioned, Dr. suggests Paxlovid, saying "good saftey profile!". Not so fast.. recent study says when using blood thinners, it can causes clotting.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

Thank you very much!

I am unvaxxed and probably contracted covid (to me, a very mild flu) right at the beginning of March 2020. No real consequences. However, I worry about spike protein shedding from vaxxed relatives who I have to see everyday. What should I do?

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Hello Serena. The information in this article provides you with ways you can protect yourself. Also, here is the link to my COVID care guide. It is free to download and share with others. https://www.michaelturnermd.com/blog/how-to-prevent-and-treat-covid-19-a-guide-for-you-and-your-loved-ones

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I've been looking and waiting for a cogent answer on what to do about the spike proteins for the many loved ones I know who have been injured and are suffering ongoing harms (if they've not already passed away). It's one thing to know the harms, another thing to come with something to help mitigate and address them. Thank you for your courage, your writing, and your clarity in presenting this all. Bravo 🙌🏻☀️

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With this, anything in particular you would recommend for a young and previously healthy mother facing sudden onset breast cancer post vaccination?

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I’m a new subscriber. Thanks for the information about spike proteins. If I read this article correctly, spike proteins circulate for a few months after vaccination? I was vaxxed in April 2021. I have some ongoing but I think minor issues since then and wonder if I should be taking any of the supplements you mentioned in this article. Can spike proteins stick around indefinitely?

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I'm super curious what your thoughts are on the film "watch the water" and this being a poisoning in the water vs a virus?

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Thank you Sir! You are not only a doctor but you are a TRUE Healer .

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Thank you!

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Thank you for sharing what so many doctors refuse to look at. Would a D-dimer test be useful or informative for someone who received the vaccine about 16 months ago and who also seems to be having a lot of new inflammation in their body (specifically in their feet and ankles)? How can we determine if inflammation is due to the spike proteins or not?

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Hello and thank you for your comment. A D-dimer test is useful in acute situations for patients suspected of having blood clots or acute lung injury, which we've seen with Covid-19 infection. It is uncommon to see increased D-dimer levels persisting for greater than 3 months. We know that the spike protein travels throughout the body and that it does cause inflammation. No matter the cause, we would still want to counteract that inflammation through diet, detox, and supplementation. Regular blood work and physician follow-up is important!

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Is it recommended to take 6000 units a day of Nattokinase forever or just while recoving from COVID?

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Good question. I was speaking just in the context of COVID or vaccine exposure; however, indefinitely wouldn't be a problem, if needed. (That was the dose used in the study that showed it reversed atherosclerosis).

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I am sick in bed with COVID, and experiencing tachyardia since last night, my heart rate has ranged between 105-115, and a fever of 102. Should i ride it out at home, or go to the acute care clinic? Thank you, I don't know where to go as I am on the I-care protocol

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Hi there, I am a homeschool mum and organizing for mostly unvxd homeschool community to have water based life saving classes. If the vx induced spike protein is more robust and if the vxd continue to produce these spike proteins now, are people stepping into harm's way by close contact ongoing? Is there reason to understand swimming in the same waters as vxd might pose a greater risk of receiving a spike load (than simply interacting in land based activities) or is there perhaps hope that swimming in chlorinated waters may effectively "deal to" spikes shed in water. And what about sea water or fresh water swimming in larger bodies of water than a pool?

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