Fantastic article, thanks for sharing such important information! First time hearing about liquid crystalline water.

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May 30, 2023Liked by Michael Turner M.D.

Please edit your article to reflect that you need Vitamin K2 with your D3 to help regulate calcium distribution in the body, not K1, as some may assume you meant when you did not indicate :)

We used to get a fair amount of K2 from our diet when livestock of all types were grass fed, before they switched to grains for likely profit reasons.

Great article!

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May 30, 2023Liked by Michael Turner M.D.

Thank you Dr. Turner, very good substance post.

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May 30, 2023Liked by Michael Turner M.D.

Thank you Dr. Turner!

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Hi Dr. Turner! Great article! Please take a look at Dr. Jack Kruse on this subject on our body's relationship to the sun. It's awesome stuff, and you'll likely understand a lot more of what he's saying as it relates to the quantum biology.

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Greetings Dan,

Thank you for the suggestion; will certainly do it!


Dr. Turner

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Dr. Turner, I just watched you on The Highwire. I don't mean to be critical, but Del said what I have been aware of for sometime. I began to realize that individuals were no longer attending medical school because they wanted to help people, they now choose the profession for financial gain. They have become, what I call, EOMMO's (employees of monopolized medical organizations). I have been going to functional doctors for a few years, and what I am observing is, so many people are leaving EOMMO's that functional doctors are becoming overwhelmed and falling back into their old habits of treating everyone the same. Doctors have to treat every individual, individually. I could go on about this, but I hope you get the picture. Ask Del about Grace Schara, she was murdered by St. Elizabeth's hospital in Appleton, WI, and she was my cousin

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Dear Deborah,

Sorry to hear it.. You make a great point about EOMMO's .. I like to give individuals the benefit of the doubt, however, as regards motives -- especially since we cannot know their thought process. I know there certainly are doctors in it for the wrong reasons, but most I know entered (and maintain) a strong drive to serve and to help -- which is precisely why their rates of burnout and frustration are so high if they find themselves employed by The Machine.


Dr. Turner

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Dr. Turner, if time allows, please look into Robert Yoho MD (Ret) Substack 'Surviving Healthcare'. He has written several books, my favorite being, "Butchered by Healthcare". I have gotten to know Dr. Yoho pretty well, and I do believe that, eventually, those of us that continue to open people's eyes to what is happening to our medical system, will produce results to the positive.

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Dont forget to much vitamin D depletes your vitamin A. K2 is also needed. You can recommend Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil with high vitamin butter oil. We are all magnesium deficient and there are at least 10 types to suit individual needs. Pray and give thanks for all blessings from God.

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Hello Michelle,

Always up for praying and thanking God for our blessings. We can look at the glass as half-empty or half-full -- our choice.


Dr. Turner

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I love articles on solar awareness. Dr. Seheult (MedCram) has a couple YouTube videos on infared, as well as hot/cold therapy. This knowledge is so necessary for a healthy perspective. Please think about researching forest bathing for us in the PNW. Winter is coming .....

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Hey Robyn,

I am a big fan of Dr. Seheult as well.. And thanks for the idea on forest bathing.


Dr. Turner

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Do you listen to Dr. Jack Kruse? Mind blowing next level stuff on light, water and magnetism.

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Greetings Dr. Risley

Thanks for the suggestion; much appreciated. I have not heard of him but will certainly look into it.


Dr. Turner

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